Clearly I am too bored with life and doing 1.5 million little things from sun up to sun down is not enough anymore because I decided that what I would like for my birthday is a puppy! A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to be exact. I miss my Abby terribly and because she died so suddenly I had sworn off getting another but I just can't stick to that. It's not like I could go steal back Barkley who is growing up with the Mowen boys and is as happy as a clam (are clam's really happy?), just because we have room & time now to not make him stay on a leash. I'm hoping once this new little girl gets bigger Molly will also enjoy having a pup around to play with. Molly is approximately 7 so this should wear her out fast... Although I am pretty sure worn out and Australian Shepherd do not ever go together in the same sentence. The kids are excited of course. But they quickly forget what it is like to have a mini ankle biter running around pooping on your floor. And I will be cursing the mornings when I am outside with a puppy at 6:30 am but so goes life right? Puppy Love.
Here she is. "Piper" comes home in a week :0)
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